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Lena Tholen
Dagmar Kiyar
Maike Venjakob

This Deliverable describes the project's stakeholder engagement strategy, which seeks to bridge the gap between research and real-world application through three co-creation cycles. The co-creation activities facilitate interdisciplinary exchanges between different stakeholders like researchers, policymakers, and industry experts, providing a platform for sharing results and refining research questions to ensure practical, policy-relevant outcomes.

Nicklas Forsell
Fanqi Jia
Lena Höglund
Panagiotis Fragkos
Maria Kannavou
Maro Baka
Zoi Vrontisi
Ershi Hua
Minpeng Chen
Zhao Xu

To achieve the targets of the Paris Agreement, a broad range of socioeconomic sectors must drastically reduce emissions. Models are commonly used to project the development of such sectors and to the assess the mitigation potential and outcomes of national and international policies. Given the strong interdependencies between sectors and countries, relying on a single model for designing mitigation pathways would be insufficient. Instead, an integrated modeling framework is recommended, combining models from various disciplines to provide a comprehensive view of the interactions between environmental, economic, and social systems. The EU-China Bridge project focuses on developing and enhancing modeling frameworks to support net-zero emissions pathways in the EU and China. This report provides an overview of the key modelling frameworks being used in Europe and China to support policy makers and how they can be further improved upon to. The report highlights key elements of the model themselves and lays the groundwork for further development of them to improve their accuracy and utility.

Georgios Xexakis
Ioanna Bala
Thomi Nanasi

This report is the initial strategy for the communication, dissemination, and exploitation (CDE) of EU-CHINA BRIDGE to relevant audiences. Among other goals, the project will advance the knowledge on technology innovations for decarbonising energy intensive industries in the EU and China and co-create innovative modelling by combining cutting-edge bottom-up and integrated assessment modelling to quantify net-zero sustainable pathways. The report starts by defining the objectives of the CDE strategy and Key Performance Indicators that will be used for the project’s promotion activities. The report then identifies the target audiences and stakeholder groups of the project including policymakers, scientists, private sector entities, NGOs and other organisations. Potential promotional channels and means to reach the target audiences are also presented, with highlights being the project’s website, the Co-creation Workshops, the Stakeholder Dialogues, and capacity development and training events to the new model and datasets created by the project. By the time that this report was published, the main communication channels and visual identity material has been already created, including the logo, the project template, the main promotional materials (e.g., posters and flyers), the newsletter template as well as the project website and the social media accounts. In the upcoming months, CDE activities will intensify, including frequent posts to the project’s social media accounts, promoting the website, sending newsletters, developing the first videos, infographics and media articles, and participating in multiple events.

Stratis Alexandrou
Georgios Xexakis
Alexandros Nikas

This deliverable revolves around the development of the Open Data Management Plan (DMP) for EU-CHINA BRIDGE. It presents the data that will be used and created during the project, along with strategies to ensure that this data is findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR). The report also outlines issues related to resource allocation, data security, and ethical considerations. In addition to this report, the project will use the ARGOS service from OpenAIRE and EUDAT to create a machine-actionable data management plan (maDMP). This will be an online living document that is continuously updated with links and metadata for datasets generated by project activities. The DMP report will be further refined and updated twice throughout the project: Version 2 (D7.7) and Version 3 (D7.8).

Georgios Xexakis
Ioanna Bala

The primary outcomes of this deliverable are the project website and the EU-CHINA BRIDGE social media accounts that are already online. This report provides the links to these channels along with a short description of their design.